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Vision & Values

An ecosystem built for onchain mass adoption.


To become the best place for playing, building, connecting, and earning onchain. We empower players and builders, while offering partners a platform with opportunities for growth and collaboration.


Fun-First: We prioritise creating a rewarding and enjoyable experience for our players. We strive to make every interaction with Metacade a source of entertainment and fulfilment.

Empowerment: Ease of access, belonging, self-expression, and recognition are integral to our ecosystem. We empower individuals to showcase their talents, ideas, and creativity.

Innovation: We celebrate and nurture creativity in all its forms. We encourage players and builders to unleash their imagination, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and drive innovation across gaming.

Builder's Collective: We understand the challenges faced by developers in the gaming industry. Our collaborative ecosystem is built to make things better, where individuals and projects come together, share knowledge, and collectively elevate one another.

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